Quiz Team Name Competition
This all started with a casual conversation with the boss in the office – we were skimming the Team Names page of this website when the boss sighed in only the way bosses can.
“I’ve been promoting pub quizzes now for over 15 years”, he confided “and I can’t remember the last time I saw a truly original, witty, pithy, team name”.
I reassured him that they were out there and possibly because his role had become more office based he just wasn’t seeing them.
He shrugged. “I’m not so sure.”
I laughed “look I do a few quizzes a month and there are always surprises out there, names that make me smile, occasionally laugh or think – names that are new AND make an impact.”
He had that sort of cynical look on his face.
“look” I said, sort of squaring up to him in an assertive yet still respectful way “I’ll prove it, put your money where your mouth is – let’s run a competition to find the best original and memorable pub quiz team name out there – you’ll just have to give a little, err, pecuniary incentive.”
He smiled, he nodded…
The Competition
The Team Name Competition is open to any individual or team to submit their favourite team name (whether it’s been used in a quiz or not) All entries will be judged by Weekly Quiz and the overall winner will receive £100 via a straight forward bank transfer around a week after the closing date of June 17th 2018.
Enter or just have a look at for inspiration on out quiz team name page. but obviously avoid submitting one that’s already on any of the lists (as it won’t win, its not original)
Terms and Conditions
Please note terms are able to be changed by Weekly Quiz LTD at anytime. Please follow the 7 terms below and please feel free to contact us.
- Enter as many times as you like.
- Shortlist will be created by Weekly Quiz LTD.
- The best names will be shortlisted.
- Poll Will be released on the website and winner will be decided after 7 days.
- You will be able to vote for your favourite via the website.
- By entering you agree to have your first name published next to team name if chosen.
- If you do not understand anything please contact info@weeklyquiz.co.uk