Celebrity Quiz Team Names


  1. E=MC Hammer
  2. Trivia Newton John
  3. Trump's Tranny Army
  4. Quizteama Aguilera
  5. Gadaffi Duck
  6. Ken Dodd’s Dad’s Dog’s Dead
  7. Agatha Quiztie
  8. Eddie Quizzard
  9. Thin Quizzie
  10. Beyonce Know’Alls

About our Celebrity Quiz Team Names

One of the most popular parts on our site is the "Celebrity quiz team names" page. Its basically a collection of team names that involve famous people. Either a play on words or some thing funny about the celebrity these team names are a great way to get friends and family laughing. If you have a suggestion and you think its better than what we have on the site, make sure you enter our free competition on the Best Quiz Team Name page.

Sports Team Names

Rude Team Names

Offensive Team Names

Clean Team Names

Celeb Team Names

Wordplay Team Names

Comedy Team Names